Missing field “mainEntity” on Q2A

Hi Q2A webmasters! Today I go to Google Search Console , I’ve found an error message with my question2answer website: Missing field “mainEntity” I follow the instructions from the official website: https://www.question2answer.org/qa/70061/schema-org-errors-mainentity-missing . But it…

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SSH Connection on Stablehost

Setup SSH connection to Stablehost

Just follow these steps to setup a SSH connection to your servers on Stablehost.com 1. Purchase a SSH Access ( $2.5 lifetime ) via url: https://billing.stablehost.com/aff.php?aff=4799 2. Install a SSH client ( putty , SecureCRT…

132 Likes Comment
Navicat Premium

How to install Navicat Premium on Windows

Navicat Premium is a very powerful database development tool that allows you to simultaneously connect to MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL. 1. First, go to official website to get the latest trial download…

144 Likes Comment

Stablehost BlackFriday promo code

Starting your new online project with stablehost. Discount up to 80%. Promo code is: blackweekend Have you got referral yet ? Here is my invitation url: https://billing.stablehost.com/aff.php?aff=4799

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How to cut video using ffmpeg

How could I trim ( cut ) video based on start and end time using FFMPEG ? Firstly, we can calculate the length of output video stream based on start, end time.

136 Likes Comment

Get wowonder 2.4 ( latest ) social network script installed

If you wan’t to setup a powerful social network beside facebook, instagram, twitter…you’d better use wowonder. WoWonder is a PHP Social Network Script, developed by Deen Doughouz. Today I’ll tell you how to setup your…

150 Likes Comment
Website scraping

Website Simple Crawler Using Google Sheet

How could I get a thumbnail, web title, description from an URL. The answer is Google Sheet can do these works. The function named IMPORTXML will help us to import data from any of various…

128 Likes Comment

Create Instagram Crawler by using python

1. Install Python 3.7.4 or latest 2. Install Pip module Get file: https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py Try command: python get-pip.py or py get-pip.py 3. Install instagram crawler script required modules py -3.7 -m pip install future==0.16.0 py -3.7…

116 Likes Comment

Identity Who Is A Scammer Online

Do you keep your personal information secure? Nowadays, I and my friends are all using one of social network such as: facebook, twitter, wechat, zalo, instagram… etc. Every none privated information of us is available…

118 Likes Comment
Google Sheet Vlookup

Vlookup data from sheets in Google sheets file

Working with data on Google Sheets. You’ll know how powerful google sheet is

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