If you wan’t to setup a powerful social network beside facebook, instagram, twitter…you’d better use wowonder. WoWonder is a PHP Social Network Script, developed by Deen Doughouz.
Today I’ll tell you how to setup your own SNS using wowonder.
Firstly, you’ll need a php supported hosting with a domain name and a database.
Secondly, download the non-nulled shared script from the internet: codecanyon-2.4-fresh-wowonder-the-ultimate-php-social-network-platform.zip
Following these steps to get it installed.
A.Edit the file install/index.php
1. Remove / Comment the lines : from 9 to 40 ;
2. Remove / comment the lines: from 68 to 75 ;
3. Remove / comment the code : if (empty($ServerErrors)) {
4. Adding these code after line the 76:
$go = 1;
if ($go == 1) {
5. Remove / comment the codes:
$p2 = check_success(trim($_POST['purshase_code']));
if(isset($p2['status'])) {
if ($p2['status'] == 'SUCCESS') {
$can = 1;
adding before the code
if ($query) {
just one line:
$can = 1;
B. Edit file xhr/admin_setting.php
change the change the variable values from 0 to 1
$data['android_status'] = 1;
$data['windows_status'] = 1;
$data['android_native_status'] = 1;
C. Save all the modifications, upload the script to your website hosting and install http://your-sns-website.com/install/