SSL working wordpress with infinityfree and cloudflare

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Wordpress Business Website for free

This tutorial is very useful for new beginners that want to build a rich content website without any fee except a domain name fee. This means you could start a business website with around $10/year only.

Free hosting with no ads? nothing is free only food in the trash, and free-hosting with full spam adverting is popular. But I choose infinityfree for a full free hosting, there’s no ads in frontend , so your website visitors don’t have to view any ads content ( except you placed the ads in your website later ). The limitation of hosting free storage is 5GB. I think you can start a small business wordpress , and with crowder traffic , you’ll need to purchase to a premium hosting service. All you need to prepare is a email to sign up for free hosting with infinityfree.

SSL certificate for free? the answer to this is: cloudflare. All you need is a email to sign up with cloudflare DNS services.

Build your wordpress website. A website with the SSL certificate is required for any personal information secure.

  • Firstly , you need to update your domain name DNS to infinityfree dns servers:
    . Then, go to open an account with infinityfree, and go to to add your domain.
  • Secondly, install a wordpress script via: softaculous , remember that your wordpress site url must be : http:// .
  • Thirdly, you need to update your domain DNS back to cloudflare DNS: , add your site to cloudflare and the SSL/TLS option must be flexible.
  • Forth, back to your wordpress admin page, go to the Plugins, Add new plugin called Cloudflare Flexible SSL : .
  • Lastly, Go to Cloudflare in Rules option : Create 2 Page rules : Just input your website URL:* and* , and pick a setting: Always Use HTTPS .

Now, your wordpress website is working with flexible SSL for free.

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About the Author: Toc Xoan

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