Namesilo is currently the cheapest domain name provider on the market today and is an official ICANN agent. At the same time, Namesilo also provides a lifetime free domain name privacy hiding service Domain Privacy….
Install git on Macbook via Homebrew: Verify the installation: Connect to the github account. By using github username and personal access tokens To create the personal access tokens as github password : From page,…
One day, I went to check the website traffic statistics. It seems unusual that there are no visitors for 24 hours. In my web browser, I see a pure white page. I tested another application…
Solving “zsh: no matches found” error when running youtube-dl mp3 extract task. Here is my bash script on my Macbook : Usage: getaudio youtube-url and I met the error message: zsh: no matches found I…
This error will appear when you’re trying to update/download files from https resources Solution is running the following command
How to create your own crypto coin, ERC 20 token, based on ETH/Polygon or Matic chain. Here is the simple code of standard ERC 20 token, follow the Token Standard (technical spec) EIP-20. // SPDX-License-Identifier:…
Give me two minutes, I’ll tell you how to install ffmpeg for your macOS device. Go & get downloadable static FFmpeg binaries for macOS 64-bit: 2. Download to your device: 3. Enjoy your FFMPEG…
Learn when to abandon a trade and avoid bankruptcy This e-book is suitable for Crypto Currency Trading and stock exchange as well.
A professional day-trader reveals the real secret to financial success. Reading this e-book is helpful for your trading decision. I’m the loser of losers in crypto currency trading world ( I lost all my fund…