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How to rewrite friendly seo URL while using q2a?
File to edit : qa-include/qa-base.php
function qa_q_request($questionid, $title)
Add the following code above that function:
function locdau($value)
//bat dau loc dau
$locdau_in = array (
) ;
$locdau_out = array (
) ;
$value = preg_replace($locdau_in, $locdau_out, $value);
$value = preg_replace('/(-)+/', '-', $value);
$value = str_replace(array('-quot', '"'), '', $value);
//ket thuc loc dau
return $value;
For Q2A Version 1.8.0 before:
$words=qa_string_to_words($title, true, false, false);
Add above:
Then go find:
return (int)$questionid.’/’.$title
Replace by:
return (int)$questionid.’/’.$tieude
For Q2A 1.8.0 later:
$title = qa_block_words_replace($title, qa_get_block_words_preg());
Add bellow it:
$slug = qa_slugify($title, qa_opt(‘q_urls_remove_accents’), qa_opt(‘q_urls_title_length’));
Replace by:
$slug = qa_slugify($tieude, qa_opt(‘q_urls_remove_accents’), qa_opt(‘q_urls_title_length’));
Save and upload the edited file.