How to fix Bad URL timestamp on Instagram error

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I’d like to make a photo gallery website for some famous stars. They’ll update photos and videos on instagram everyday. Sometime I got an error message: Bad URL timestamp.

Here is a example URL:\u0026_nc_cat=101\u0026_nc_ohc=0LF-inMUsdEAX_D5Ken\u0026edm=APU89FABAAAA\u0026ccb=7-4\u0026oh=afadddb51427e70777a4d3fa58a640c3\u0026oe=614118EF\u0026_nc_sid=86f79a

I’ll make a little modification: change a special character in the instagram photo/video link “&” replaced for \u0026 or &

That works well now:

Kim Duyen

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About the Author: Toc Xoan

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