1. Install Python 3.7.4 or latest
2. Install Pip module
Get file:
Try command:
python get-pip.py
py get-pip.py
3. Install instagram crawler script required modules
py -3.7 -m pip install future==0.16.0
py -3.7 -m pip install selenium==3.9.0
py -3.7 -m pip install tqdm==4.23.4
py -3.7 -m pip install pre-commit==1.16.1
py -3.7 -m pip install black==19.3b0
4. Get chrominium browser & crawler script
Download: https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/
Crawler: https://github.com/huaying/instagram-crawler
Save to the folder: ./inscrawler/bin/chromedriver
5. Run the crawler
py crawler.py posts_full -u thegoodtees -n 100 -o ./output
py crawler.py posts_full -u thegoodtees -n 10 –fetch_likers –fetch_likes_plays
py crawler.py posts_full -u thegoodtees -n 10 –fetch_comments
py crawler.py profile -u thegoodtees -o ./output
py crawler.py hashtag -t halloweencostume -n 100 -o “path-to-store-data/instarobo.txt”
py crawler.py hashtag -t taiwan -o ./output –fetch_details
py crawler.py posts -u thegoodtees -n 100 -o ./output # deprecated