If you’re having an only 1Gb RAM , 30 Gb storage VPS on ECS AWS, how will you deploy a website? Here is my suggestion.
- Launch an instance using Ubuntu ( not Windows OS , because it needs more than 20 Gbs to complete an Windows Server instance ).
- Assign an Elastic Ip for your instance, connect via SSH.
- Setup XAMPP for linux on your ubuntu .
+ Stop ubuntu apache process:
/etc/init.d/httpd stop
+ Get xampp installation script:
wget https://www.apachefriends.org/xampp-files/7.0.23/xampp-linux-x64-7.0.23-0-installer.run
sudo chmod +x xampp-linux-x64-7.0.23-0-installer.run
sudo ./xampp-linux-x64-7.0.23-0-installer.run
+ XAMPP / LAMPP commands:
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp restart
Set rules to access phpmyadmin at : /opt/lampp/etc/extra/httpd-xampp.conf
4. Configure virtual hosts
Change the permission for lampp daemon user (default in /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf)
chown -R daemon.daemon /opt/lampp/htdocs
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot "/opt/lampp/htdocs/nkl.com"
ServerName nkl.com
DirectoryIndex index.php
ErrorLog "logs/dulichclub1-error_log"
CustomLog "logs/dulichclub1-access_log" common
+ Install let’s encrypt: using certbot
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-certbot-apache
Install ssl cert for a domain
sudo certbot --apache -d mywebsite.com
for multiple domains , sub-domains
sudo certbot --apache -d mywebsite.com -d sub1.mywebsite.com -d sub2.mywebsite.com
full command
certbot certonly --lampp -a webroot --webroot-path=/opt/lampp/htdocs/nkl-domain.com -m [email protected] --agree-tos -d nkl-domain.com
+Virtual host sample configuration
DocumentRoot "/opt/lampp/htdocs/nkl.com"
ServerName nkl.com
ServerAdmin [email protected]
ErrorLog "/opt/lampp/logs/godl-error_log"
TransferLog "/opt/lampp/logs/godl-access_log"
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile "/etc/letsencrypt/live/nkl.com/cert.pem"
SSLCertificateKeyFile "/etc/letsencrypt/live/nkl.com/privkey.pem"
SSLCertificateChainFile "/etc/letsencrypt/live/nkl.com/chain.pem"
5. Test your SSL website url: https://nkl-domain.com