Working with Google Sheets

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How to insert a image into a cell in google sheet?
Just use the formula
Inserts an image into a cell.

Sample Usage



IMAGE(url, [mode], [height], [width])

url – The URL of the image, including protocol (e.g. http://).

The value for url must either be enclosed in quotation marks or be a reference to a cell containing the appropriate text.
mode – [ OPTIONAL – 1 by default ] – The sizing mode for the image

1 resizes the image to fit inside the cell, maintaining aspect ratio.

2 stretches or compresses the image to fit inside the cell, ignoring aspect ratio.

3 leaves the image at original size, which may cause cropping.

4 allows the specification of a custom size.

Note that no mode causes the cell to be resized to fit the image.

height – [ OPTIONAL ] – The height of the image in pixels. mode must be set to 4 in order to set a custom height.

width – [ OPTIONAL ] – The width of the image in pixels. mode must be set to 4 in order to set a custom width.

Ext Tips:
It’s so pretty with a cloudinary images working with google sheets. I mean you just upload your images to cloudinary, then insert them into a sheet.

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About the Author: Toc Xoan

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