Enjoy the powerful and free webtool for your website – SumoWebTools developed by Themeluxury !
You can pay about $26 for the regular license.
Official Version is on : https://codecanyon.net/item/sumowebtools-online-web-tools-script/34704474
Now, download the latest version 1.0.5: https://gosurl.com/UPek3
Make some modification to get activated ( nulled ) the script:
- Edit file ( components/app/Http/Livewire/Frontend/Install/Environment.php ): Just comment the line number 85 and add following code
//$verify = Http::get('https://envato.themeluxury.com/activation/sumowebtools.php?code=' . $this->purchase_code . '&domain=' . url('/') );
$verify = array('status'=>'success');
2. Edit file ( components/vendor/arcanedev/localization/src/Middleware/LocaleAuth.php ) . Remove the line range ( 23-36 ) , just keep the code:
return $next($request);
3. Create MySQL database and run installation: https://yourwebsite.com/install