My Hacked Website

Don’t want your blog hacked, install wordfence now!

One day, I went to check the website traffic statistics. It seems unusual that there are no visitors for 24 hours. In my web browser, I see a pure white page. I tested another application…

176 Likes Comment

zsh: no matches found workaround ?

Solving “zsh: no matches found” error when running youtube-dl mp3 extract task. Here is my bash script on my Macbook : Usage: getaudio youtube-url and I met the error message: zsh: no matches found I…

141 Likes Comment

Fix x509 certificate signed by unknown authority

This error will appear when you’re trying to update/download files from https resources Solution is running the following command

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Dad Jokes

Code an ERC 20 Token on Ethereum/Polygon or Matic chain

How to create your own crypto coin, ERC 20 token, based on ETH/Polygon or Matic chain. Here is the simple code of standard ERC 20 token, follow the Token Standard (technical spec) EIP-20. // SPDX-License-Identifier:…

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