Need a VPS ? Just go RAMnode

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I’m using a VPS ( 2 vCPU 80Gb storage ) in RAMnode.

The price is nice 14$/month, more pretty than vultr and ovh with the same server configuration.

My invitation link to RAMnode: VPS

Standard] OpenVZ SSD


Plan RAM / VSwap CPU IPv4 IPv6 Storage Bandwidth Price Order
1GB SVZS 1024 / 256 MB 1 Core 1 /64 40 GB 1000 GB $3.5 / mo NYC / ATL / SEA / LA / NL
2GB SVZS 2048 / 256 MB 2 Cores 1 /64 60 GB 2000 GB $7 / mo NYC / ATL / SEA / LA / NL
4GB SVZS 4096 / 256 MB 2 Cores 1 /64 80 GB 3000 GB $14 / mo NYC / ATL / SEA / LA / NL
6GB SVZS 6144 / 256 MB 2 Cores 1 /64 100 GB 3500 GB $21 / mo NYC / ATL / SEA / LA / NL
8GB SVZS 8192 / 256 MB 2 Cores 1 /64 120 GB 4000 GB $28 / mo NYC / ATL / SEA / LA / NL

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About the Author: Toc Xoan